Pro video blog…Produced by Philip Johnston DoP/Editor

C300 in stock

Special price on the Canon C300 Mk2 @ £9499.00 inc vat call John or Andy at 01684-575486. Remember. Preston Media are the only UK dealership that takes good condition part exchange video cameras to offset your initial purchase.

Canon C300 Mark II Australian Release 4k from B R E T T D A N T O N on Vimeo.


Having been working in the video business since 1988 I have amassed a great amount of knowledge of both the kit and production values over the last 30 years.

One thought on “ADVERT…Canon C300 Mk11 now in stock at H Preston Media at £9499 incl. vat

  1. Thanks for the video post of this demo video.

    No offence but I’m finding it increasingly difficult to judge things such as dynamic range, image and sensor quality. Frankly, I don’t see this sensor from the Canon C300 Mark II as a game changer. I think we can both relate to the fact that we’ve shot beautiful images on standard definition cameras!

    At the end of the day, the market is demanding higher and higher resolution such as 4K but for my money the only real differences I can see between most cameras are clearly seen from the high end ones like Alexa/Amira, Red (properly graded).

    Content is king as they say…

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