The Ikegami SHK-810 camera employs a single 33 million-pixel Super 35 CMOS sensor, achieving 4,000 TVL horizontal and vertical resolution. The color filter on the sensor employs a dual-green SHV color arrangement and achieves a high level of modulation depth.
The System Expander enables the use of large viewfinders and full studio lenses, converting the portable camera into a full-facility studio/field camera.
A viewfinder detail (VF DTL) function allows the camera operator to increase the detail edges to the viewfinder and picture monitor video for easy focusing. A lens aberration correction function and communication features (tally, intercom, etc.) are also available for conventional HDTVcamera operation.
The PL-Lens mount allows the operator to use the camera with 8K lenses, cine lenses, 4K lenses and custom-designed zoom lenses for single-chip SHV cameras. A flange-back adjustment system is built-in, enabling back focus adjustment of PL-mount lenses without shims.
Standard SMPTE fiber cable can be used between camera head and camera control unit (CCU) to enable long-distance transmission for live broadcasting.
Dread to think what this would cost 🙁
Put it this way Gary,
that lens alone lists at ~£31,000!
and, for comparison, the new Sony HDC-4300 System Camera (only measly old 4K!) is around £43,000 for the body only (better add on another £40,000+ for the viewfinder, power supply, all the various other gubbins and a recorder to make it work!) …then there’s the ongoing cost of licencing the software to make it all work in your chosen flavour of Full HD, 4K, slow/fast frame-rates etc. etc.
That cheap 19-90mm Fujinon lens is a bit limiting as well …might as well go for a decent 4K Fujinon UA80X9 Zoom Lens (allow another £100,000+?) or the new Canon Cine-Servo 50-1000mm for long distance shots …a snip at ~£54,000!
So for the 8K Ikegami plus kit? …maybe take the price of your HC-X1000 and multiply it by 100 (probably more!…?) and hope your eyes stop watering in time to start your shoot!
As the saying goes …if you have to ask …you can’t afford it!
Me neither! …though I’m hoping Philip might be selling a Sony FS7 for a very good price sometime soon! 😉