Finally I have to make a big decision to sell my trusty Sony FS7. I am not using this camera and with a slight change in my career path the money would come in very handy. This is a UK only sale I am afraid. Will come in its original box and accessories.
Still has its Prime Support as I never registered it. Also comes with SHAPE arm worth £234
If you are genuinely interested in this sale why not send me an email to
Please remember this is a first come first serve sale and any money transferred to my business account (£6500 plus delivery) (Not PayPal)
Note. I will also be selling my XQD cards and spare camera battery, more about this later on today.
As usual thanks for your interest the camera is now sold.
Yikes!! Why??
Since investing in this camera I’m getting at least 3x the commercial work – the Agency say it’s gained street cred with clients very happy with its high end imagery.
seriously, I’m sure there’s a very good reason – just a bit shocked. It was you that helped convince me the FS7 is the real deal – never regretted my investment ?
HDW : Hi Chris, since my mini stroke 3 months ago I have had time to reflect on my career path and its no longer keeping cameras for the sake of having it. My change in path will still require video cameras but not one as big as the FS7.
I think that for regular works the Sony NX100 (or PXW-Z150) is OK.
1″ sensor, bokeh, quite good CMOS, light, cheap media cards, very good batteries price and lasting, and better codec than AVCHD.
Or RX10 MK2 (MK3 also).
With that combination you can do 90% of NORMAL works with mininal material and very little money (compared with bigger machines).
I’m working now with CANON XA20 and I’m very impressed with it’s image quality and easy use. I’ts VERY VERY little.
I only miss better codec, more bokeh and three optical rings (NX100 has it and price is… the same).
By the way, I wish you best after health problems.
You do not know what health is until you lose it.
Oh Phil, I’ve only just caught up on your recent health issues – feel like a complete arse, sorry. A stroke can turn your whole world up-side down. You’re a brave man, and reassessing what you can do and still keep your passion alive, can only be admired and respected.
I have family member, and close friend who have suffered similar – all have made a full recovery, though it takes time.
I wish you a speedy recovery Phil.