My good mate Brian sadly passed away last week, he will be a sore loss to his local paper the Rutherglen Reformer, editor Kenny Smith was speechless ” I still can’t believe this has happened.”
Brian was an Institution as a local photographer, he was also a decent chap, everyone liked Brian and he had a lovely trait of involving himself with his news stories, listening to people and getting the best out of them.
Every time we met Brian was always interested in what camera I was using, he was a Nikon Photographer and loved the fact that I changed my kit on a regular basis.
“That wee photographer with a smile on his face” was the words uttered from the late Ftr. Allison a local priest who loved getting his picture taken.
Brian was very loyal to the Reformer and would give me a friendly reminder “make sure you buy a paper it’s only 90p”. Brian’s philosophy was the more pictures and groups that were in the paper the more people that would buy the paper.
At 64 years of age Brian has been taken far too young, not a nicer man you could wish to meet. On a personal note I wish to thank Brian for all the help in publicising my Diabetes DVDs over the years and for his warm friendship.
Brian out doing what he did best…taking photographs. (© Rutherglen Reformer 2013)
Lovely tribute to a smashing guy. The photo shown is actually Brian taking a photo of me at Cambuslang Park centenary celebrations in summer 2013.
Lovely tribute to an amazing man.