Here we are again…are Canon going to finally announce its long overdue large sensor camcorder, who knows but one things for sure, going by Canon’s recent record if they do enter this marketplace it’s not going to pussy foot about like Sony and Panasonic, you will see a camcorder with…
2. 50MBs
3. EOS lens mount
4. Super 35mm sensor or larger.
5. Possibly a 4K sensor
Canon have been very savvy recently and have won the hearts of many broadcasters who need 50MBs out of the box and the only company to recognise this till now has been Canon.
Sony have waisted a lot of time tinkering with 35MBs and the F3 would have been a sure fire winner if they had only chosen 50MBs over 35MBs, I think Sony will live to regret that decision.
I hope Canon recognise the time and effort I have put into designing their new camcorder and maybe give me a free camcorder for my efforts.
If Canon bring out the camcorder that everyone has been praying for…4:2:2, 50MBs, 10bit it will sweep the marketplace in one fell swoop and you will see a glut of F3s, FS100 and AF101 lying in the wake of such a camcorder but all will be revealed on November 3rd 2011 in Hollywood.
I wonder if the 5D mk3 will be announced at the same time. If any of the above is true then I will be first in line to buy it, if it’s reasonably priced!
Well said. Totally agree. Something like this looks exciting. The FS100 and the AF101 have their faults so maybe Canon can give us something with an ND filter wheel, no highlight clipping and a serious codec. Most importantly for me – it MUST have a usable viewfinder. My background is ENG so I’m used to proper viewfinders. All of this will come at a premium. Marketing is the what cripples cameras.
Meanwhile in the small sensor arena, the Panasonic AG-HPX250 is just about to eat Canon’s lunch. Where I live, the XF305 is 1,500 Euros more expensive than the multi-region HPX250.
come on Canon, come on Canon, come on Canon… what’s the emoticon for crossed fingers?