Having paid my £24 to the Apple APP Store I had a good look through this application…It’s a must for those using top end film cameras and Red ONE camcorders…I found two screens that might be useful and they were colour correction which basically tells you what filter to use eg. Light source 3200K you will need an 80A filter to balance the light source to 5500K (Daylight) loosing 2 f stops.
The other useful screen would be the Siemens Star used for back focus adjustment. This application is very specialised and basically comes from a film background, one of the windows refer to “screen sizes” talking about projector screens. In the settings you get options for ASA or El, most video camcorders do not come with ASA ratings ! One other setting asks for film speed once again pointless for most video operators. Yes you can work out your camcorders ASA rating but is it worth all the hassle.
My advice is that you only buy pCAM if you are working in film or top end video using a Red camcorder, for the majority of us using HDV, EX-3s or melding with a Canon 5D Mk11 this application will in my opinion not set the heather alight as for the price, it reflects the speciality of the field at which it is pitched at, it’s one of my most expensive apps second only to Navigon Europe both applications available from iTunes APP store.
Depth of Field & Hyperfocal Distance
Splits-Aperture Finder
Field of View (Image size) with Preview Illustrations & Angle of View
Exposure (compensating changes in Shutter Angle, FPS Speed, Filters, Film Speeds & Light foot-candles or lux)
Running Time to Length
Shooting to Screen Time
HMI (safe speeds & shutters)
Color Correction (filters and mireds)
Time Lapse
Underwater Distance (flat ports)
Scene Illumination
Light Coverage
Siemens focus Star
Includes all common professional Still Camera, Film & HD Camera Formats
User-definable custom Camera Formats, CoC & Filters
Works on iPhone™ and iPod Touch™