After a week and no review…? Whats going on. As you remember I had a major problem with my last iMac and it was replaced. We now have USB3 which is so much quicker than USB2.
After day one filming with 4K 50p 422 HQ and that was only about 5m of footage, not all usable footage, I got a real shock when ingesting the SSD camera footage from the camera. It was taking almost 2-3 minutes for about 1m of footage to ingest. Then I thought I had solved the problem I was using USB 1 C cable instead of USB 2 C cable.
It was better but USB 3 is 10x faster again now 2G of footage takes 10s to ingest.
If you have never produced a video review about video cameras there is a mountain of work from filming, editing, music and voice over not to mention graphics.
I am about half way but need more footage so I have sent an email to JVC hoping to get a camera next week to do a small bit of outdoor filming, weather dependant.
Please bear with me there is no urgency to get this job done after all the camera itself has already been delayed almost a year so what’s a further couple of weeks delay.
No worries, Philip!
Take your time and have fun with it!
Thanks for doing the review!
No rush ! Know it will be very good when done.
I appreciate your work. I ordered the camera a year ago and it is still not delivered. I haven’t seen long, calm shots of it.
Can you tell me your opinion on its optical quality?
Thank you.
HDW : Optical quality is very good.