Pro video blog…Produced by Philip Johnston DoP/Editor

Courtesy of Celtic FC

Just arrived on Celtics Facebook page is the 2017 Christmas advert filmed by DoP Jerry Kelly on his Sony FS7 with Cooke prime lenses. The advert was produced by Arteus Media from Glasgow.

I started off by asking Jerry “How do you like using the Sony FS7, what made you choose it over a Canon C300 Mk11”

Jerry “I bought the FS7 when it first came out, because it is more practical and versatile than the c300. I teach classes on the FS7, and love using it for docs and commercials. It has many interesting functions, as well as easy 4K, and beautiful slo mo.”

Q’ “I assume you did not take to the FS7 chimney VF which is why you chose a Zacuto Gratical.”

Jerry “Absolutely right!  It is the weak link of the FS7, so I bought a gratical vf, and use the screen from the FS7 for menus, and as a quick directors monitor. It is worrying that if the fragile cable from the FS7 viewfinder goes awry, you are left with no way of seeing the images.”

Q “Why did you choose Cooke over other primes, what Cooke primes do you own ?”

“I only own Canon lenses, but hired the Cooke’s in from Progressive broadcast hire, to give this shoot a filmic look. They give glossy, soft images.”

DoP Jerry Kelly with his Sony FS7

Q. How do you like the XQD memory and is it all Sony you use. Jerry “The XQD cards are very sturdy and stable- which is ideal for multiple use.”

Q. “Do you own any Sony power zoom lenses.” Jerry “I haven’t bought one because they are not of good quality for the price. I occasionally hire one from Progressive for Ob/docs, and I’m hoping to buy a short Canon zoom in the new year.”

Q. Did you film in S-log or baked it”  Jerry “We filmed in S- log, so that Arteus could have more to grade with, and deal with the blue screen.”

Q. How long was each days shoot.” Jerry “We had a day of meetings and recce of locations, then did 2 x 12 hour days for the shoot. We had to work round the very tight schedules of the Celtic players!”

Q . “Did you do much hand held shooting.” Jerry “Most of it was hand held, for speed and flexibility. The cockpit shot was on my Sachtler tripod”

Q. Did you enjoy the shoot. ”  Jerry “Hectic but very enjoyable! Great director, Adrian, and top cam assistant, Chris ( who is a huge Celtic fan).

Actor John McQuiston

It took 2 long hard days to film over and around Glasgow, in fact there is a behind the scenes video thanks to Celtic TV.

It also star’s a good actor pal of mine John McQuiston



Having been working in the video business since 1988 I have amassed a great amount of knowledge of both the kit and production values over the last 30 years.

2 thoughts on “The new Celtic Christmas advert 2017 shot on a Sony FS7

  1. Super spot. I love the little touches: the blinking nose on the kid, the wink from the cabbie, and on and on. Kudos. Well done!

  2. As an FS7 owner I really enjoyed this interview except for one statement.

    “It is worrying that if the fragile cable from the FS7 viewfinder goes awry, you are left with no way of seeing the images.”

    That is untrue of course. There is HDMI and two SDI’s that will let one see what they are shooting if connected to monitor so equippend. In fact the Gratical connects via HDMI or SDI.

    Also, the FS7 VF cable is not fragile.


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