After months of speculation we finally see the new Apple 12 core MacPro…very un-exiting. We have had a run of new designs from Apple the most recent the MacMini with it’s HDMI socket but not the MacPro. It seems good old Apple are happy with their MacPro design and sadder still no HDMI and no Blu-Ray.
This does not bode well for the all new redesign from the engine up Final Cut Studio 64 bit…Blu-Ray is not on Apple’s antenna. How Apple are going to present DVD StudioPro 5 with no Blu-Ray authoring will finally cut the tie for a lot of professional editors who are waiting by the sidelines to jump to CS5 at the least hint of non Blu-Ray support.
It is puzzling to me. I remember when Apple went to great lengths to provide the best computer experience (made in America), top notch-and latest-hardware and once they got to 10X the darn best OS around. Despite their snooty attitude they also listened to what their customers wanted (to a degree.) Now they offer second rate hardware (made in The Peepers Lepublic of China) a still nice OSX, but no support for THE up and coming storage/media technology, blu-ray. They have been ignoring customer requests for two years (three years?) now for a quad core Macbook Pro. What the heck has Jobs got up his backside these days? He certainly doesn’t seem to care what his (soon to be former) customers are shopping for. Oh, yeah, iPad anyone? NOT!