Fed up with EBAY and all those fees why not try H Preston Medias new auction site.
John Preston “We now have a on line auction site which we are running our selves so many customers have had so many problems with selling on Ebay and so much fraud. We will advertise Display demo it and we hope get the very best price for any audio and video products.
Please contact me on jpreston@hpreston.co.uk with your full list of un wanted equipment
You can bid on line very easy and we will ship to the best winning bid”
Can’t find anything that can be bid for…. 🙂
The site seems to be a bit of a joke. Bid for a camera, semed to win it, but have not heard anything from the company. They also don’t respond to emails or contact forms. Don’t know whats going on, maybe you can find out Philip.
HDW : I will look into this for you John, seemingly they had a bug in the system and apologise for this problem.