Just had a wee peek at Alisters training films for the FS7 and as usual the man is the master. All this vital information for free…fantastic.
I hope he does one for the FS5 in fact a tutorial in matching an FS5 to a FS7 would do the trick.
Here is a look at 1 off 5, here is the link to the other 4…
great stuff, as log as it’s clear that the production is paid by Sony. Let’s don’t confuse a fair review with an ad, even is the borders are becoming progressively unclear on the internet, lately more than ever. Philip is (in my opinion) one of the last independent reviewer around, almost all the other blogs come into the category of paid and sponsored advertising. Like the one in the topic here.
That is very graceful of you Phillip. Alister also has a very good two hour tutorial on the FS5 which covers the intricacies of S Log in, dare I say it, ‘brilliant’ detail. I am looking forward to your FS5 review because you also do an excellent job of getting things across.
Really appreciate your site.
I am confused because this camera came out in North America over a year ago. Are you just getting it in the UK? Has something changed that it warrants a new look?
HDW : Alisters tutorials are FREE, Doug Jenson’s are payable, both good, plus people are buying into this camera daily so its good information for newbies.
Hi Mark. Struck me as a series of explanations, not reviews. I agree that a lot of what claim to be reviews, which these tutorials do not, are anything but. I know how to open a box! Alister does not hide his fondness of Sony products and Phillip, as you point out, is a fearless Scot who I would not want to meet in battle. Probably opens boxes with a Claymore!
Bob : well said.
the difference is that a paid blog only tells the good things. A fair and balanced blog (like this one here) tells the good things and the bad things. Then there is a third kind/approach (mine and all the other honest posts around the forums) that only tell the bad things. The first kind is next to useless in my opinion.