Day one filming “The Spirit Of Edradour” set in a lovely part of Perthshire.
The Sony FS7 with Metabones Canon EF to Sony E mount adapter using Canons 4K glass.
The day starts with 4 lovely children running towards “John Barleycorn” (below), Rory our Director is rehearsing while Scott is a stand in for John (Watt).
The lovely Watt (John Barleycorn) is having his mic hidden by our soundman Merlin.
Back at base the hairdressers are busy with the actors.
The lads in the warehouse scene, Angel, John and Tam.
Rory (Director) giving some sage advice to Angel and Tam.
The lights being used are 2 Rotolight Anovas, 2 Litepanel Astras, 3 Dedolight Fellonis and a Ledgo panel light.