Pro video blog…Produced by Philip Johnston DoP/Editor


FCPX has not recognised XAVC L for a while now, this has been documented by HDW with the problem ingesting from the PXW-X70 camcorder using XAVC HD, but this XQD problem is a lot more sinister.

This is an Apple problem, FCPX does not recognise XAVC L from the FS7 and will not eject your QXD card from the computer, your only option is to pull the card causing a problem with the Table of Contents (TOC). This is not an issue with XAVC I footage as it is recognised in FCPX.



Once you replace the XQD card into the FS7 you get the following message…



1. IMPORTANT : You must not have FCPX open at any time before ingest or after while the XQD card is in the card reader !

2. Making sure FCPX is not running, open Catalyst Prepare/Browse and import as normal.

3. Once you are finished importing eject your XQD card via Catalyst.

4. Now you can open FCPX.


Having been working in the video business since 1988 I have amassed a great amount of knowledge of both the kit and production values over the last 30 years.

9 thoughts on “WARNING for Sony PXW-FS7 owners using FCPX v10.1.4 and XQD cards.

  1. sooooooo let’s admit it once and for all: this xavc L just … come on …IT DOESN’T WORK!!!!!!
    we can NOT go literally crazy trying to make it work, it wasn’t meant to be. Sony should erase the whole thing so we can give it a rest and move on.

    HDW : Mark, don’t talk nonsense, you really have to learn to think before you spout off ! XAVC L (FS7) or XAVC HD (X70) produces fantastic pictures via Catalyst Prepare.

  2. Don’t know if it would work here, but for my cameras (which are Panasonics) I always copy the full file structure from my SDHC/SDXC cards onto an external HHD, then copy into FCPX from there? Now I have footage on the Cards, on the external HHD and now in the library on my editing computer. Backup of a Backup so to speak.

    Wonder if FCPX would hurt the external drive as it does with the XQD card?


  3. @HDW I really have to do what? Look, my friend, the XAVC L of the X70 produces the same footage of the 28mbps AVCHD , even grading. I shoot for 30 years in a raw, I think that I know! so I don’t have to learn anything because I have eyes and I’m not going to violate the laws of physic because Sony screwed up for marketing reasons (the only reason why the XAVC L exists is because it can be stored on regular SD cards). But this is twothousandandfifteen and a format that needs to be “transcoded” is completely out of reality.

    HDW : You and I are getting different experiences from our X70’s, I did a test yesterday comparing XAVC L (FS7) and XAVC HD (X70) the results are mind blowing.

  4. I agree with Gary – I always dump my cards (verified copy) to my hard drives FIRST, then open/ingest to FCPX. Seems way more safe. I know FCPX can do Camera Archives, but I prefer storing/duping before touching the NLE.

  5. I have always found that if my Mac decides it doesn’t like a card or external drive for any reason it’s always best to power it down completely and then remove/disconnect the offending item and most times it’s undamaged/uncorrupted (when checked in a windows pc).

  6. This is why i use Atomos recorders. Pro Res… i don’t want to waste time or disk space on transcoding for edit. It’s ridiculous in this day and age.

  7. @HDW re comparing AVCHD (X70) and XAVC L (fs7). That I believe but I don’t see ANY difference comparing the “so-called” 50mbps 10bit 4:2:2 of the x70 against the 28MBPS (of the same X70). In fact what you just reported do make sense : the fs7 in XAVC L is better than the X70 in AVCHD . But there is NO WAY (N O W A Y!!!) that a true 50mpbs 10-4:2:2 looks the same as the 28mbps AVCHD from the same camera (X70), NO WAY. And that’s exactly what I’m saying: therefore either the XAVC L of the X70 is a fake or the XAVC of the X70 is a totally misunderstood container born to stick the 50mbps sticker to sell a “broadcast-ready” toy to the amateurs (who will never really check it out for that). (and don’t get me started with that nonsense of the 50mbps “minimum” ’cause that only works to keep away the toys, since the vast majority of the material works in SD and even interlaced. But that’s another story) And I have the feeling that you may agree with me that the workflow of the XAVC L of the X70 (and the fs7) is the most ridiculous and time-wasting workflow since digital. Even tapes work better. and in the case of the X70 you spend the entire day transcoding to end up with exactly the same quality of the AVCHD (from the same X70). Now you tell me how ridiculous is that.

    HDW : Mark its a testimony to Sony that you can’t see much difference between XAVC HD and AVCHD. I ran a test and if you zoom the same footage to 300% export it twice you will see AVCHD does not hold up as well as XAVC HD.

  8. @HDW Re: Found a difference between XAVCL and AVCHD (on X70?). fair enough (forgive me if I’m not gonna do that: 300% zoom import twice to finally see some difference). the fs7 is the camera to get right now, but only when the 128gb cards will come down to this Earth in price because I can’t justify to my kids 800bucks for one card and I can’t rely on just 15-30minutes per card since I will skip the xavcL completely (obviously). 800bucks (US) for a card is the the most insulting price I remember since the SxS. And as of today the cleanest HD still goes to the JVC 850 . But the fs7 should do even better and it’s a shoulder camera, not too big but not too small to get lost in the crowd 🙂

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