HDW : As a Final Cut Pro user I find this very tempting indeed. In the early days I used Premiere 6.5 moving over to Premiere Pro 1.5 then onto Final Cut Pro. I found Premiere Pro overly complicated with a lot of finicky controls very like Photoshop. The NVIDEA Quadro FX4800 for my MacPro would cost £1500 then add the cost of CS5 and you are looking at an upgrade price of around £3000 !
This new 64bit Premiere Pro with the Mercury Playback Engine is fantastic it’s the first NLE package to be able to run 4 streams of native 4K RED files as a multi-cam production…nothing can touch this as far as I am aware. 9 streams of P2 full HD footage in real time, this baby will bring HD editing beyond the 21st century.
Apple are a long way off bringing FCP anywhere near 64bit and as it stands Compressor and DVD Studio Pro are a joke. The one sole program that saves FCPs butt is Motion. Motion is streets ahead of After Effects and far easier to use but for this one program I for one would kiss good-by to FCP and who knows if the £3K became accessible that jump may be sooner than later.
Wow that is a statement I thought I’d never hear, an FCP user thinking about jumping ship to Premiere! The significance of the new CS5 launch is massive in my mind, it enables us editors to truly harness the quality of 1080P in a user friendly environment (renderless) it’s something I thought would never happen, and it’s a day away! Premiere has long been overlooked as a serious editing platform, now I think all that is about to change on Monday. I’m glad I have stuck with it through the tough times now!
Hi HDW. See http://www.macrumors.com/ 18th May about Apple refocusing FCP as a more consumer targeted product. How much are HP Z800’s?