This is the best example of the “Dancing black dots” I have managed to capture, it is best captured photographing the LCD screen with a full frame Nikon D3 set at 200 ISO. A screen capture does not do this justice. I set the Panasonic HPX-301 at 9dB as I knew it exacerbated the dot problem and just by chance zoomed into a computer keyboard to set focus and got distracted, this allowed me to film a tad more of this out of focus shot than I had intended but it captures the black dot problem in spectacular fashion.
Since my last post I have not spoken with Panasonic UK to confirm this problem and a possible fix, but you will be the first to know when I get an official reply. Please remember this problem is not apparent in 8-10″ HD-SDI LCD monitor screens nor does it show up looking at it in the browser screens in Final Cut it is only when you view the footage on a full HD 42″ LCD screen that the problem becomes noticeable. The reason they are called the “dancing black dots” is because they dance around the screen.
PLEASE NOTE : Panasonic are aware of the problem and that other users have not seen this problem, this in my professional opinion means it should be fixable.
To view the picture in it’s original 13MP look here